
The 王中王六合彩资料 News Bureau serves as a liaison between the university and the news media. The News Bureau issues all news releases on behalf of the University and coordinates media requests to visit campus or interview professors and staff about their work. We serve as the primary content managers for the Today at Elon news site.


How to work with the News Bureau to arrange coverage

  1. Contact the office at least two weeks prior to a planned event. Waiting until the day of an event does not give reporters and editors enough time to plan for coverage.
  2. Know in advance the time, date and location of an activity for which you are seeking media coverage. Have ready the name and contact information for the person who will speak on behalf of the organization or office hosting the event.
  3. Feel free to suggest the names of publications that cover topics relevant to the research or event you want publicized.
  4. We can also assist faculty in placing opinion articles that deal with their research interests or class experiences. The News Bureau also provides training for television and radio interviews, and we distribute news alerts when a professor offers expertise on particular topics in the news spotlight.